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Starting with release 1.5, you can specify a comma-separated list of IDs as well as a range of IDs for the operation, for example, audenc 3,2,0 start or audenc 3-0 stop.

The audenc command is used to manage encoder audio acquisition settings. The audenc start and audenc stop commands can be used to start and stop encoding of the audio input. ID is either the encoder ID or all. As of Makito X4 v1.5, you can specify a range or a comma-separated list of IDs for the operation, as shown in the examples that follow.

The Makito X4 and the Makito X4 Single Channel both support up to 32 audio encoders, the encoder ID numbers are 0-31. 


audenc ID start
audenc ID stop
audenc ID mute
audenc ID unmute
audenc ID set [parameter=value...]
audenc ID get [config, stats, all]
audenc ID clear




Activates encoding of the audio input.


Stops encoding of the audio input.


Mutes encoding of the audio input (i.e., causes the encoder to encode silence instead of the selected audio input.)


This may be used when you do not wish to encode the audio but the decoder being used does not support decoding of video-only streams.


Resumes encoding of the audio input (when muted)


Configures encoder audio parameters. A series of one or more parameter=value pairs can be specified at once. See Parameters below.


Displays encoder audio status information. You can specify configuration, statistics, or all audio information.


To display a summary of all the encoders in a table format, you can use audenc all get table.


Clears the encoder’s statistics.


Displays usage information for the audenc command



Audio Encoder 0, 1, 2...

A unique descriptive name of up to 63 characters. Using 'none' will revert the audio encoder's name to the default. 
SDI1CH1+2The Audio Input for the encoder. This determines the SDI input interface and the input channel. 
  • Analog (Makito X4 Rugged only)
  • SDI1CH1+2, SDI1CH3+4, SDI1CH5+6, SDI1CH7+8, SDI1CH9+10, SDI1CH11+12, SDI1CH13+14, SDI1CH15+16
  • SDI2CH1+2, SDI2CH3+4, SDI2CH5+6, SDI2CH7+8, SDI2CH9+10, SDI2CH11+12, SDI2CH13+14, SDI2CH15+16

  • SDI3CH1+2, SDI3CH3+4, SDI3CH5+6, SDI3CH7+8, SDI3CH9+10, SDI3CH11+12, SDI3CH13+14, SDI3CH15+16
  • SDI4CH1+2, SDI4CH3+4, SDI4CH5+6, SDI4CH7+8, SDI4CH9+10, SDI4CH11+12, SDI4CH13+14, SDI4CH15+16


For Surround Sound audio, the input determines the input channel pair where the audio encoding begins. The last channel to encode will be determined by the mode (i.e. the number of channels used in the channel mode). For example:

If the mode is set to 5.1 (6 channels), and the input is set to SDI1Ch3+4, the start channel will be channel 3 and the end channel will channel 8 (3 to 8 inclusive = 6 channels). 

An exception is 5.0 mode which uses 3 channel pairs (6 channels), but skips the 4th channel of the set. This means that only 5 channels are encoded, but the audio encoding still ends at the 6th channel. 


The language used for input. Enter a 3-character long ISO639-2 code or none.

If you don't know the code for a language, you can directly enter one of the languages below in full or abbreviated form:

  • Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech,
  • Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek,
  • Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Irish, Icelandic, Italian,
  • Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Maltese,
  • Mongolian, Norwegian, Punjabi, Persian, Polish, Portuguese,
  • Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish,
  • Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.

(Applicable only to the Makito X4 Rugged with an Analog Input) Adjusts the maximum analog Audio Input signal level (0 dBfs):

  • From 0 to +6dBU

The audio compression algorithm:

  • [mpeg2]adts - Encodes audio using the ISO/IEC 13818-7 MPEG-2 AAC-LC algorithm with an ADTS header.
  • [mpeg4]loas - Encodes audio using the ISO/IEC 14496-3 MPEG-4 AAC-LC algorithm with a LOAS/LATM header.
  • 16BitPassthrough - 16 bit Audio PCM data is passed through the encoder without compression.

The number and type of audio channels to encode.

  • mono / left / leftmono
  • monoright / right / rightmono

  • stereo (2.0)
  • 3ch (3.0)
  • 4ch (4.0)
  • 5ch (5.0)
  • 6ch (5.1)
  • 7ch (7.0) 
  • 8ch (7.1)


    7ch mode is available only when the algorithm is set to 16BitPassThrough. 

sample rate48 kHz

The number of audio samples per second taken from the incoming signal. 

  • 48 kHz (SDI audio is always sampled at 48 kHz)
  • 16 kHz (Analog Input, Makito X4 Rugged only)  


See bitrate (below) since the allowed bitrate ranges for 16 kHz sample rate are different than what was previously available for 48 kHz.

bitrate128 kbps

The Audio Bitrate for the encoder 4...2016. The available bitrate range depends on the current mode and sample rateUsers can select lower audio encoding bitrates for limited bandwidth streaming situations, or higher bitrates for higher quality audio encoding. 


This parameter is unused when the codec is 16 bit Pass-Through, instead, the bitrate is a fixed number determined by the number of channel pairs carried. 

48 kHz sample rate:

  • Mono: 12-288 kbps

  • Stereo: 14-576 kbps
  • 3.0: 16-864 kbps
  • 4.0: 18-1152 kbps
  • 5.0: 20-1440 kbps
  • 5.1: 20-1440 kbps
  • 7.1:  25-2016 kbps

16 kHz sample rate: (analog only):

  • Mono: 4-96 kbps.
  • Stereo: 5-192 kbps.



# audenc 0,2,3 start

Starts audio encoders 0, 2 and 3. You will receive the following confirmation:

3 audio encoders started successfully.
# audenc 0-3 stop

Stops audio encoders 0, 1, 2 and 3. 

4 audio encoders stopped successfully.
# audenc 0,2,4-6 stop

Stops audio encoders 0, 2, 4, 5 and 6

5 audio encoders stopped successfully.
# audenc 0 set input=SDI1CH1+2

Sets the Audio Input to SDI1CH1+2

# audenc 0 set bitrate=128

Sets the Audio Bitrate to 128. You will receive the following confirmation:

Audio encoder configured successfully
# audenc 0 get


# audenc 0 get config

Returns audio configuration information for the encoder, such as:

Encoder ID              : 0
Name : Audio Encoder 0
Audio Input : SDI1CH1+2
  Audio Language        : (None)
Audio Bitrate : 128 kbps
Audio Samplerate : 48 KHz
Audio Mode : Stereo
Audio Algorithm : MPEG2-ADTS
# audenc 0 get stats

Returns audio statistics for the encoder, such as:

Encoder ID              : 0
Name : Audio Encoder 0
Encoded Bytes : 6,911,089,794
Encoded Bitrate : 128 kbps
Encoded Frames : 20,247,332
Encoded Framerate : 46.89
Encoder Errors : 0
Encoder PTS : 0x10d6b7e42
Maximum Sample Value : 12924 (39%)
Maximum VU Level : -4.0 dB
Pair#1-Lf Max Value : 11643 ( 35%) -4.5 dB
Pair#1-Rt Max Value : 12924 ( 39%) -4.0 dB
Last Statistics Reset : Never

# audenc 0 get stats

Returns audio statistics for a Rugged encoder configured for Analog Input, such as:

Encoder ID              : 0
Name                : Audio Encoder 0
State           : WORKING
Encoded Bytes        : 20, 383, 767
Encoded Bitrate       : 127 kbps
Encoded Frames : 59, 716
Encoded Framerate : 46.89
Encoder Errors : 0
Encoder PTS : 0x0073abac7
Maximum Sample Value : 3139 (9%)
Maximum VU Level : -10.2dB
Pair#1-Lf Max Value : 3139 ( 9%) -10.2 dB
Pair#1-Rt Max Value : 2977 ( 9%) -10.4 dB
Last Statistics Reset : Never

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