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If the serial COM port (DC In & I/O) is not configured for CLI Management, and all remote management interfaces (HTTP, telnet, SSH, and SNMP) are disabled, the only way to re-enable these services is by a Factory Reset. Once the serial port is configured for metadata or passthrough use, it is no longer usable for CLI management.

For security purposes, you may need to stop one or more network services from accessing the Makito X device. The service command is used to enable and disable the following network services: all, or (depending on the platform) EMS, HTTP, ONVIF, (serial) PASSTHROUGH, RTSP, SAP (decoder only), SNMP, SSH, TALKBACK, TELNET, and VF.


Take care not to disable all network services; you must at least keep http (Web interface), telnet , or ssh active. Otherwise you will lose access control to the unit, and the only way to re-enable these services is by a Factory Reset.


service svcname action

where (depending on the platform):

svcname can be: all, ems, http, onvif, passthrough, rtsp, sap, snmp, ssh, talkback, telnet, vf 




Activates the service immediately and configures the unit so that the service will be started automatically when the unit is rebooted.


De-activates the service immediately and configures the unit so that the service will be disabled when the unit is rebooted.


Restarts the service and configures the unit so that the service will be started automatically when the unit is rebooted.


Displays the current status of the service, i.e., if it has been started or stopped. Also displays the startup status of the service.


# service all status

Displays information about all services (ex: Makito X Decoder), such as:

ems service is currently enabled
ems service is enabled at system startup
http service is currently enabled
http service is enabled at system startup
sap service is currently disabled
sap service is disabled at system startup
snmp service is currently enabled
snmp service is enabled at system startup
ssh service is currently enabled
ssh service is enabled at system startup
talkback service is currently disabled
talkback service is disabled at system startup
telnet service is currently enabled
telnet service is enabled at system startup
# service

Displays usage information for the service command (ex: Makito X1 Rugged Encoder).

Usage: service svcname action
svcname can be: all, ems, http, onvif, passthrough, rtsp, snmp, ssh, telnet

action can be:
start activates the service right away and configures the unit so that
the service will be started automatically when the unit is rebooted.

stop de-activates the service right away and configures the unit so that
the service will be disabled when the unit is rebooted.

restart restarts the service and configures the unit so that the service
will be started automatically when the unit is rebooted.

status displays the current and startup status of the service.
# service telnet stop

Stops telnet connection to the Makito X.

# service telnet restart

Re-starts telnet connections to the Makito X.


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