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Configuring RTSP

From the Services page, you can configure the Makito X or Makito X4 encoder to interoperate with Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)-based software players such as QuickTime, VideoLan VLC, or Wowza Server (Flash) for real-time streaming.

To configure RTSP:

  1. On the Services page, toggle the RTSP button on.
  2. To access the RTSP stream from the decoder, you must specify the correct RTSP URL. The format should be:



    • ip_address is the IPv4 address of the Makito encoder hosting the RTSP service.
    • port is optional and only needs to be specified if the RTSP server port is not set to the default 554.
    • videncID is mandatory and specifies the ID of an H.264 or H.265 video encoder on the Makito (from the 0-3 range for Makito X H.264 encoders, plus encoders 4-5 for HEVC mezzanines to use for H.265 streaming; and 0-7 for Makito X4).
    • audencID is optional to include audio in the rtsp stream and specifies the ID of an audio encoder (from the 0-7 range for Makito X or 0-32 for Makito X4).


Port only needs to be specified if the RTSP server port is not set to the default 554.

You can use RTSP for video-only streams (typical use case is surveillance applications).

For specific examples of RTSP URLs, see below.

Customizing Stream Characteristics

Makito X v2.5 and Makito X4 v1.2 added the ability to specify optional stream link parameters in the URL. The RTSP servers in the Makito X and Makito X4 now support this URL format:

rtsp://ip_address[:port]/videncID[_audencID][?param1=value1&param2=value2, ...]


  • param are optional stream link parameters for which you provide desired values. Configurable stream link parameters values are listed below.

Supported stream link parameters:

  • tos = 0x00 to 0xFF (for hex) or 0 to 255
  • ttl = 1 to 255
  • mtu = 232 to 1500
  • mcast_addr = A valid multicast address
  • mcast_port = A valid multicast port


An RTSP URL with an IP address of, which is using server port 554 (default), video encoder 0, and audio encoder 0 will look like this:

  •  rtsp://

An RTSP URL with the same parameters as above, but using a different port (8554 in this case), will look like this:

  • rtsp://

An RTSP URL with an IP address of, which is using server port 554 (default), video encoder 0, and no audio encoder, with stream link parameters tos (value=10), mtu (value=1300) and ttl (value=2) will look like this:

  • rtsp://

You can also stream from a Makito X to a Milestone server using RTSP. See Enabling ONVIF Support and Milestone Integration.

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