This page consolidates the version history for each previous Hub 360 release.
On this page:
Hub 360 1.5
Hub 360 1.4
MoJoPro Licenses on Hub 360
A MoJoPro license allows you to stream from the app to any paired StreamHub. With StreamHub 4.5+, you can use MoJoPro licenses already present on paired StreamHubs. Contact your Sales representative to purchase these licenses. | - Admin Area Screen
- Reviewing MoJoPro Licenses
Streaming Address for StreamHub
You can now manually configure a streaming IP address or domain for your paired StreamHubs. If configured, this address will be used to connect to the StreamHub for video transmissions. | - Viewing and Editing Appliance Details
- Viewing Appliance Details
- Editing Appliance Settings
Hub 360 1.3.3
Enhanced Activity Feed
Added new message types to the Admin Area's Activity Feed. | |
Non-administrator accounts now have access to the Admin Area's Activity Feed screen to view limited messages. | |
Added search option for the Activity Feed. You may search for device name, group name, or pairing code name. | - Admin Area Screen
- Viewing Activity Feed
Route Configuration Modal
In the Master Control screen, if a StreamHub route has yet to be configured, after selecting a route's source, a new configuration modal appears to configure the route's outputs. | |
StreamHub Route Tiles
In the Master Control screen, the StreamHub route tiles now indicate the output number and protocol used. | |
Route/Booking for offline transmitters
You can now create/edit routes in MCR when your transmitters (Air, Pro, and Rack) are offline. | |
Appliance Name Auto-Refresh
Support for automatic refresh of appliance names when their names are changed in the individual appliance's UI. | |
Hub 360 1.3.2
Hotfix release only.
Hub 360 1.3.1
Hotfix release only.
Hub 360 1.3
Full Support for Makito X4 Decoder
The Master Control section now fully supports the Makito X4 Decoder as a receiver. You can easily create SRT routes to this appliance and monitor the associated telemetry. | - Supported Appliances and Versions
- Viewing Destination Status
- Routes Pane
- Create a Makito Encoder to Decoder SRT Connection
Searching on Master Control
Added search functionality in the Master Control screen. | |
Activity Feed
Added Activity Feed tab in the Admin section, so that you can now display the history of completed actions or events. In the future, this feature will log more event types. | - Admin Area Screen
- Viewing Activity Feed
- Activity Feed Entries
What's New Dialog
Added a What's New dialog that provides a summary of the main improvements and features as each new version is released. | |
Network Requirements Documentation
Added documentation for network requirements before connecting your appliances to Hub 360. | - Appliance Network Requirements for Use in Hub 360
Hub 360 1.2
Firmware Upgrades
Added ability to upgrade the firmware of your Makito or transmitter (Air, Pro, Rack) appliances. | |
Filtering by Group
Added ability to filter the items in the Master Control and Appliances screens by Group. | - Master Control Screen
- Sources Pane
- Routes Pane
- Appliances Screen
Searching Appliances
Added ability to search the Appliances list by various appliance information, not just the appliance name. | |
Full Support for Makito X1 Encoder
Added Master Control support for the Makito X1 Encoder. | - Supported Appliances and Versions
Hub 360 1.1
Initial public release