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Starting release 1.5, you can specify a comma-separated list of IDs as well as a range of IDs for the operation, for example, videnc 3,2,0 start or videnc 3-0 stop.

The videnc command is used to manage video encoding parameters. The videnc start and videnc stop commands can be used to start and stop encoding of the video input. ID is either the encoder ID or all. As of Makito X4 v1.5 and Makito X1 v1.2, you can specify a range or a comma-separated list of IDs for the operation, as shown in the examples that follow.

The number of encoders varies with the hardware platform: the Makito X4 offers eight encoding cores (encoder IDs 0 - 7), while the Makito X4 Single Channel and the Makito X1 offer two encoding cores (encoder IDs 0 - 1). 


videnc ID start
videnc ID stop
videnc ID set parameter=value [parameter=value...]
videnc ID get [config, stats, all]
videnc ID clear
videnc ID reset




Activates encoding of the video input.


Stops (mutes) encoding of the video input.


Configures encoder video parameters. A series of one or more parameter=value pairs can be specified at once. See Parameters below.


Displays encoder video status information. You can specify to display the configuration (config), stats, or all.


To display a summary of all the encoders in a table format, you can use videnc all get table.
videnc get stats also provides a percentage of scaling resources used on a per encoder basis.


Clears the encoder’s statistics.


Resets the encoder.


Displays usage information for the videnc command.


*Assumes encoder Personality is SDI unless otherwise indicated.


The codec algorithm for the encoder:

  • H264 (AVC)
  • H265 (HEVC)


The Video Input port for the encoder:

  • BNC1
  • BNC2 (Makito X4 only)
  • BNC3 (Makito X4 only)
  • BNC4 (Makito X4 only)
  ST 2110

The Video Input essence for the encoder:

  • 1, 2, 3, 4

(ST 2110 input only) The Ancillary Data essence for the encoder:

  • 1, 2, 3, 4


Timecodes are used to mark video frames, mainly for editing purposes. This field either disables timecoding, or selects the source to “timecode” the encoded video frame. The following selections are available:

  • None: No timecode will be inserted in the video stream (saves bandwidth if not required).
  • Video: (SDI only) The timecode will be extracted from the incoming video signal.
  • System: If no timecode is included in the video feed, the encoded timecode is based on the encoder’s system clock. In this case, it is a good idea to enable NTP (under Network Settings).

(TimeCode Source must be System) Selects the TimeCode Counting Mode: 

  • SMPTE12M-1: Drops values 00 and 01 every minute, except every 10 mins (as per the SMPTE12M-1 standard).
  • UTC-Conversion: Derives the generated timecode (in HH:MM:SS:FF format) from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). Dropped timecode values occur as needed to avoid drift and not at predetermined points in the timecode count sequence.

(timecode must be System with SMPTE12M-1 specified for countmode) Enables or disables timecode daily resyncs.


dailyresync and resynchour available starting release 1.3.1.

resynchour0 (midnight)(dailyresync must be enabled) Specifies the time for the resync to occur (ranging from 00:00 (midnight) to 23:00).



Specifies the aspect ratio of the video source and signals it into the MPEG stream:

  • Auto: Aspect ratio is derived from the incoming video source resolution.
  • 1:2,3:2, 4:3, 5:3, 5:4, 16:9, 16:10, 17:9: Forces aspect ratio to specified value.


    When streaming interlaced HEVC streams to a software player that does not support interlaced HEVC (most software players), select 1:2 for the aspect ratio. Software players that do not handle interlaced HEVC video properly will display each received field as a complete frame of half the vertical resolution, which will then be displayed as a vertically squeezed image.

  • WSS/AFD: Extracts aspect ratio from incoming video source based on WSS (Wide Screen Signaling) or AFD (Active Format Description) if detected.


    WSS is only supported with analog PAL video; AFD is only supported with SDSDI video.

(10-bit chromasubsampling must be selected) Select to configure the encoder to detect the inbound High Dynamic Range (HDR) transfer function signaling and forward that information within the encoded stream. 

  • SDR: Off (SDR/BT.709)
  • Auto-Detect: the encoder detects HDR transfer function from the source
  • HLG: HDR content is based on the Hybrid Log Gamma (HLG, BT.2100) transfer function
  • PQ: HDR content is based on the Perceptual Quantizer (PQ, SMPTE ST 2084/BT.2100) transfer function


6000 kbps

The Video Raw Elementary Stream bitrate (kbps). Range: 32-120000



(resolution cannot be set to Auto and must be less than the Input Format detected) Select whether to scale or crop the input to the desired resolution. See "Resizing" (under Video Encoder Settings).



The Group of Pictures size for the encoded video. Range: 1-1000


For intra-refresh mode, the GOP size is the number of frames between the sequence and picture parameter set NAL transmission.



The GOP structure (i.e., video compression mode) for the encoded video: (See “Framing” under Video Encoder Settings)

  • I: I frames only (lowest delay; lowest quality)
  • IP: I and P frames only
  • IBP: I, B and P frames
  • IBBP: I, BB (two B frames in sequence) and P frames (highest delay; highest quality)
  • IBBBP: I, BBB (three B frames in sequence) and P frames
  • IBBBBP: I, BBBBB (four B frames in sequence) and P frames (highest delay; highest quality)


B frames require a Main Profile decoder.

B frames provide more quality as the encoding is more efficient; thus more details can be rendered in the same bandwidth/bitrate.


When B frames are used, the GOP may be rounded up to make the sequence end with a P frame.

Select the application profile class for the encoder:

  • For H.264: Baseline, Main, High, High10, High422
  • For H.265: Main, Main10, Main422-10

(ratecontrolmode must be CBR) Select whether to allow the encoder to skip part of the image in order to respect the bitrate limit. See "Partial Image Skip" (under Video Encoder Settings).



The video frame rate per second:

  • Auto: Encodes at the same frame rate as the input
  • Range: 1-60
intrarefreshOffThis parameter enables Intra-refresh video encoding support in order to minimize latency, smooth the video bitrate, and minimize GOP pulsing artifacts.

Configures the encoder to use multiple slices per frame instead of the normal 1 slice per frame encoder configuration. Encoding latency is improved since encoded slices can be transmitted on the network without having to wait for the whole frame to be encoded. 1..11


Latency improvements are only seen on decoders that do not buffer entire video frames before decoding and can actually decode and output slices.

Multiple slices cannot be used in conjunction with skipframes or gopstructure, i.e., Framing containing B-frames (IBP, .... IBBBBP).



This parameter enables Closed Captioning on the encoder stream. Off, On


Select the Chroma Subsampling for the encoder:

  • 420-8bit
  • 420-10bit (Encoding Profile must be Main 10 or Main 4:2:2 10)
  • 422-8bit (Encoding Profile must be Main 10 or Main 4:2:2 10)
  • 422-10bit (Encoding Profile must be Main 10 or Main 4:2:2 10)



Select the Rate Control for the encoder:

  • CBR (Constant Bitrate): Includes Traffic Shaping, Idle Cells and Delayed Audio
  • CVBR (Capped Variable Bitrate, VBR): Includes Traffic Shaping only


(Rate Control must be VBR) Enter the maximum video bitrate for the encoder: 0..120000 (0 is Auto configure)


maxbitrate should be greater than or equal to bitrate.

scenechangedetectionOffEnables or disables scene change detection. Values: On, Off
scdthreshold50%When scene change detection is enabled, this controls the amount of change in the video image that will trigger the insertion of an I-frame. Range: 1-100% 


50 ms.

Offset video timestamps by this value in ms. Range: -1000..1000



Specifies the stream output resolution (i.e., the number of lines per frame and pixels per line to be encoded). Options depend on the Input Format detected.

  • Auto (output resolution is the same as the input)
  • 2160p, 3840x2160p
  • 1080p, 1920x1080p
  • 1080i, 1920x1080i
  • 1440x1080p
  • 1440x1080i
  • 960x1080p
  • 960x1080i
  • 720p, 1280x720
  • 960x720
  • 640x720
  • 480p, 720x480p
  • 480i, 720x480i
  • 576p, 720x576p
  • 576i, 720x576i
  • 540x480p
  • 540x480
  • 704x576p
  • 704x576i
  • 540x576p
  • 540x576i
  • 352x480p
  • 352x480i
  • 352x576p
  • 352x576i
  • 352x288p
  • 352x288i


# videnc 0,2,3 start

Starts video encoders 0, 2 and 3. You will receive the following confirmation:

3 video encoders started successfully.
# videnc 0,2,4-6 stop

Stops video encoders 0, 2, 4, 5 and 6

5 video encoders stopped successfully.
# videnc 0 set gopsize=120

Sets the video GOP to 120.

Encoder configured successfully.
# videnc 4-7 set gopsize=60

Sets the GOP to 60 for video encoders 4, 5, 6, and 7. 

4 video encoders configured successfully. 
# videnc 0 set bitrate=6000

Sets the video bitrate to 6000.

# videnc 0 set bitrate=6000 gopsize=120 resolution=1280x720 Input=BNC-1

Combines multiple video parameters in a single line.

# videnc 0 get

Returns video configuration information for the encoder:

Encoder ID          : 0
Name : "Video Encoder 0"
Video Input : BNC-1
Aspect Ratio : Auto-Detect
Dynamic Range : SDR
Video Codec Algorithm : H.265
Video Encoding Profile : Main
Video Bitrate : 6000 kbps
Video GOP Size : 120
Encoded Picture Rate : Input/Auto
Output Resolution : Input/Auto
Time Code : None
Closed Captioning : Off
Video Resize Mode : Scale
Video GOP Structure : IP
Video GOP Mode : Normal
Number Of Slices : 1
Partial Frame Skip : Off
Chroma Subsampling : 4:2:0 8-bit
RateControl Mode : CBR
Video MaxBitrate : Auto
Intra Refresh : Off
Video MaxPictureSizeRatio : 12.00
Scene Change Detection : Off

# videnc 0 get stats

Returns encoder statistics:

Encoder ID                : 0
Name : "Video Encoder 0"
Up Time : 24m44s
Input Present : Yes
Input Type : SDI
Input Format : 1920x1080p29
Input Aspect Ratio : 16:9
Input Color Primaries : BT.709
Input Transfer Characteristics : BT.709
Input Matrix Coefficients : BT.709
Output Resolution : 1920x1080p
Number Of Slices : 1
Video SubFrame Latency : Off
Encoded Frames : 44,477
Encoded Bytes : 1,111,971,625
Encoded Frame Rate : 29.97
Encoded Bitrate : 6,264 kbps
Encoder PTS : 0x00841c86d
Encoder Load : 13%
Closed Captioning : Disabled
H.265 Profile : Main
H.265 Tier : Main
H.265 Level : 4.1
Entropy Coding : CABAC

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